Tuesday, June 2, 2015

War without end in California: "ALERT: Anti-Gun California Senate Bill 347 Heading to a Floor Vote"

Whoa!. I got in, better post something fast before something goes wrong again!!!...
" War without end in Commiefornia. This is the new Bloomberg attack, waging a proxy war for King "O". Use his big $$$, pay off State politicians to push legislation written up by his lawyers, notice the same verbiage used in each state. Sacramento Demonrat lickspittles are getting fat as rats in a cheese factory off their dirty money, used to criminalize as many people as possible to lose their gun-rights is the objective!. First the veterans, now this ploy...Fight back!!...
Anti-gun California Senate Bill 347 is heading towards a Senate floor vote; if the bill is not passed by the full Senate this week, it will die on rules...SB 347 would extend a decade-long prohibition on the possession/acquisition of firearms and ammunition to those convicted of (or who plea to) non-violent misdemeanor violations of law, including accidentally having a single ammunition cartridge in your car or purse while on school grounds and forgetting to close a firearm container’s lock on the way home from the shooting range....
See full report at: https://www.firearmspolicy.org/news/act/alert-anti-gun-california-senate-bill-347-heading-to-a-floor-vote/

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