Semi-automatic technology is over 100 years old! Semi-automatic(aka Self loading)tech is not machine gun full-automatic tech, some firearms merely look similar. Civilian ownership of such firearms are a right, not a privilege. Current "laws" suppressing ownership are blatant infringements. Having a semi automatic heart means you represent the unique freedom & liberty of America, and are standing watch over those sacred rights. I have this heart: How about you?
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Fox: Semi-Auto Ban Propaganda By Hannity Hosts befoul the "conservative"airwaves
McGurk and T,Holder used the talking points of anti-gun nuts aggressively today, bait and switch on the AR-15 as a "machinegun", calling for a ban on normal capacity magazines, justifying going after lawful gun owners by blaming them for the actions of insane madmen misusing firearms; challenging listeners to call in and to "justify why you need" such firearms and/or magazines (direct talking point of the anti-gun nuts). Repeatedly using outlandish examples, such as comparing explosives/destructive devices with firearms ("You can't own a Bazooka, why do you need an AR-15 that can kill a lot of people"), and unfortunately I heard NO knowledgeable firearms expert challenging them (I would have cleaned their clocks had I been on there and allowed to talk/reason. Not one caller I heard challenged them on the AR-15 as the perfect example of a "Militia Rifle", and is indeed what we Minutemen are supposed to have. I also know that the word "Militia" has been vilified by the usual suspects, like SPLC, who like blurring the line between machineguns and semi-autos, also blur the line between "militia" and racist elements) etc; all the while of course claiming to "support the 2nd Amendment" (a misdirection talking point in the same vein as not blaming veterans for the war - they learned that one after Vietnam). This, and worse, took place on the radio version of the SEAN HANNITY Show. The big money of Bloomberg and Soros are at work, getting the Hollywood types to do ads vilifying firearms, to do as Eric Holder once said "brainwash" the younger crowd against firearms (Shall we call this soap "As the Coat Turns"?). I had heard that the Fox Owner had made calls for banning semi-auto firearms, but have no attribution for it. Could very well be that this Hannity debacle are the first moves in propaganda/mind-control against semi-autos/mags from the Fox camp. The usual suspects and puppet-masters, using the usual useful idiots, and the dead bodies of the innocent victims, to usurp the constitution for their own misbegotten ends. When we are no longer able to have one "behind every blade of grass", slavery will return. This is the last bastion, friends, if we fall, there is no place else to go (paraphrasing Reagan here). If slavery returns, it will not be only for the Black Man, it will be for ALL of us, and the useful idiots cannot see the forest for the trees. With "Friends" like this, who needs enemies (foreign and domestic)"???...(S9)
Sunday, December 23, 2012
NRA Speech: (our) Hit Parade Of Quotes
Semi-Automatic Hearts Hit Parade from this both ridiculed and lauded speech that took guts to make, knowing that elements on both sides would criticize and misrepresent it, no matter what was said. Proof is that, indeed, this has been happening since it was made on Friday. Enemies foreign and domestic are plentiful, and must be stood up to manfully as laid down by the founding fathers in the 2nd most important right, the 2nd Amendment. Ask again how restrictions on the sane will alter the behavior of the criminally insane?...(S9)
The only way to answer that question is to face up to the truth.
Politicians pass laws for Gun-Free School Zones. They issue press
releases bragging about them. They post signs advertising them.
And in so doing, they tell every insane killer in America that schools
are their safest place to inflict maximum mayhem with minimum risk...
The truth is that our society is populated by an unknown number of
genuine monsters — people so deranged, so evil, so possessed by
voices and driven by demons that no sane person can possibly ever
comprehend them. They walk among us every day...
Rather than face their own moral failings, the media demonize lawful gun owners, amplify their cries for more laws and fill the national debate with misinformation and dishonest
The media call semi-automatic firearms "machine guns" — they claim
these civilian semi-automatic firearms are used by the military, and
they tell us that the .223 round is one of the most powerful rifle
calibers ... when all of these claims are factually untrue...
Worse, they perpetuate the dangerous notion that one more gun ban
— or one more law imposed on peaceful, lawful people — will protect
us where 20,000 others have failed...
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun...
Now, I can imagine the shocking headlines you'll print tomorrow
morning: "More guns," you'll claim, "are the NRA's answer to
everything!" Your implication will be that guns are evil and have no
place in society, much less in our schools. But since when did the
word "gun" automatically become a bad word?...
when you hear the glass breaking in your living room at 3 a.m. and call 911, you won't be able to pray hard
enough for a gun in the hands of a good guy to get there fast enough to protect you...
five years ago, after the Virginia Tech tragedy, when I said
we should put armed security in every school, the media called me
Is the press and political class here in Washington so consumed by
fear and hatred of the NRA and America’s gun owners that you're
willing to accept a world where real resistance to evil monsters is a
lone, unarmed school principal left to surrender her life to shield the
children in her care? No one — regardless of personal political
prejudice — has the right to impose that sacrifice...
We can't wait for the next unspeakable crime to happen before we act.
We can't lose precious time debating legislation that won’t work...
The only way to answer that question is to face up to the truth.
Politicians pass laws for Gun-Free School Zones. They issue press
releases bragging about them. They post signs advertising them.
And in so doing, they tell every insane killer in America that schools
are their safest place to inflict maximum mayhem with minimum risk...
The truth is that our society is populated by an unknown number of
genuine monsters — people so deranged, so evil, so possessed by
voices and driven by demons that no sane person can possibly ever
comprehend them. They walk among us every day...
Rather than face their own moral failings, the media demonize lawful gun owners, amplify their cries for more laws and fill the national debate with misinformation and dishonest
The media call semi-automatic firearms "machine guns" — they claim
these civilian semi-automatic firearms are used by the military, and
they tell us that the .223 round is one of the most powerful rifle
calibers ... when all of these claims are factually untrue...
Worse, they perpetuate the dangerous notion that one more gun ban
— or one more law imposed on peaceful, lawful people — will protect
us where 20,000 others have failed...
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun...
Now, I can imagine the shocking headlines you'll print tomorrow
morning: "More guns," you'll claim, "are the NRA's answer to
everything!" Your implication will be that guns are evil and have no
place in society, much less in our schools. But since when did the
word "gun" automatically become a bad word?...
when you hear the glass breaking in your living room at 3 a.m. and call 911, you won't be able to pray hard
enough for a gun in the hands of a good guy to get there fast enough to protect you...
five years ago, after the Virginia Tech tragedy, when I said
we should put armed security in every school, the media called me
Is the press and political class here in Washington so consumed by
fear and hatred of the NRA and America’s gun owners that you're
willing to accept a world where real resistance to evil monsters is a
lone, unarmed school principal left to surrender her life to shield the
children in her care? No one — regardless of personal political
prejudice — has the right to impose that sacrifice...
We can't wait for the next unspeakable crime to happen before we act.
We can't lose precious time debating legislation that won’t work...
NRA Speech: Hate, Lies, Media Mind-Control & Semi-Auto Ban deception
Local radio news clips are using all anti-NRA comments, I have yet to hear one pro, not to mention they are quoting out of context and even attributing statements Wayne LaPierre never made (See the complete speech first, hear what he actually said, rather than the spin. It is here). So much for the "unbiased" media. They could not even wait, even during the speech , these so-called "Journalists" were using Twitter to abuse, insult and downplay LaPierre/NRA and the common sense proposals being espoused (See link below for proof). These yellow journalists hate NRA because they call them on their bias. An example of this, like the radio examples previously mentioned, continue these "sins of omission". There must be another "talking point" being circulated, because I heard on 4 occasions the same bit about Police engaging in a gunfight at Columbine, where it is implied that since they did not stop the murders, the idea of armed protectors at schools is an invalid remedy. Bull. Media Bias/Mind Control is a fact, and "spiking"/downplaying stories is common especially if it does not fit the sinister gun-ban agenda. On this issue, a commentator posted these examples you may have never heard of to prove this point. Rationalists, take note:
"If the deterrent effect of concealed-carry laws seems surprising to you, that's because the media hide stories of armed citizens stopping mass shooters. At the Portland shooting, for example, no explanation was given for the amazing fact that the assailant managed to kill only two people in the mall during the busy Christmas season. It turns out, concealed-carry-holder Nick Meli hadn't noticed that the mall was a gun-free zone. He pointed his...gun at the shooter as he paused to reload, and the next shot was the attempted mass murderer killing himself...
-- Mayan Palace Theater, San Antonio, Texas, this week: Jesus Manuel Garcia shoots at a movie theater, a police car and bystanders from the nearby China Garden restaurant; as he enters the movie theater, guns blazing, an armed off-duty cop shoots Garcia four times, stopping the attack. Total dead: Zero.
-- Winnemucca, Nev., 2008: Ernesto Villagomez opens fire in a crowded restaurant; concealed carry permit-holder shoots him dead. Total dead: Two. (I'm excluding the shooters' deaths in these examples.)
-- Appalachian School of Law, 2002: Crazed immigrant shoots the dean and a professor, then begins shooting students; as he goes for more ammunition, two armed students point their guns at him, allowing a third to tackle him. Total dead: Three.
-- Santee, Calif., 2001: Student begins shooting his classmates -- as well as the "trained campus supervisor"; an off-duty cop who happened to be bringing his daughter to school that day points his gun at the shooter, holding him until more police arrive. Total dead: Two.
-- Pearl High School, Mississippi, 1997: After shooting several people at his high school, student heads for the junior high school; assistant principal Joel Myrick retrieves a .45 pistol from his car and points it at the gunman's head, ending the murder spree. Total dead: Two.
-- Edinboro, Pa., 1998: A student shoots up a junior high school dance being held at a restaurant; restaurant owner pulls out his shotgun and stops the gunman. Total dead: One.
By contrast, the shootings in gun-free zones invariably result in far higher casualty figures -- Sikh temple, Oak Creek, Wis. (six dead); Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. (32 dead); Columbine High School, Columbine, Colo. (12 dead); Amish school, Lancaster County, Pa. (five little girls killed); public school, Craighead County, Ark. (five killed, including four little girls).
All these took place in gun-free zones, resulting in lots of people getting killed"...
(Link to full essay will be placed below)
As for this "renewed" Semi-Auto ban, that piece of tyranny never went away, despite even the U.S. Government saying it was/is ineffective:
(Full piece is HERE)
This is because Feinstien, and her malicious backers, are obsessed with this type of ban because it is the doorway for a total ban, since the vast majority of ALL firearms are semi-automatics. The question is never asked as to why millions of gun-owners are to be punished and criminalized at the stroke of a pen for the actions a a handful of criminals who actually have committed crimes. They LIE continuously about semi-autos, for example, the lie about the function of the "pistol grip" as a means to allegedly "steady the weapon for firing from the hip". They know this is a lie, but don't care, because they see it as a means to an end, scaring the ignorant "sheeple" and stampede them into blindly supporting the ban. Facts never get in the way for such contemptible liars, including the biased media who function as their propaganda arm to influence the public.
On the other hand, NRA/La Pierre knew they were literally facing an impossible task, knowing they were going to be "shot by both sides", criticized by both anti & pro-liberty sides of the battleground, no matter what was said or proposed. As they say in the Hood: "Haters gonna' Hate"...
The NRA National School Shield initiative is the only true "common sense" program proposed in the wake of this latest battle in the war on guns and gun-owners, because it takes direct action at the root of the problem, i.e.: reducing the damage an armed degenerate can perpetrate, rather than laying the groundwork for complete Police State slavery by banning firearms and criminalizing the law-abiding with a hateful un-American gun-ban. When the Iranian enemy and the Red Chinese governments openly state that a gun ban in the USA is a good idea, that should tell you everything you need to know, not just about them but about the domestic enemies who promote using state power to enforce these wretched ideas. George Orwell knew. We still need "one behind every blade of grass"...
No less a socialist tyrant than Vladimir I. Lenin himself famously said: "One man with a gun can control 100 without one". Interesting this comment contains the words "gun control". Refuse to be a victim, Victim!!... (S9)
We know how to stop school shootings
"If the deterrent effect of concealed-carry laws seems surprising to you, that's because the media hide stories of armed citizens stopping mass shooters. At the Portland shooting, for example, no explanation was given for the amazing fact that the assailant managed to kill only two people in the mall during the busy Christmas season. It turns out, concealed-carry-holder Nick Meli hadn't noticed that the mall was a gun-free zone. He pointed his...gun at the shooter as he paused to reload, and the next shot was the attempted mass murderer killing himself...
-- Mayan Palace Theater, San Antonio, Texas, this week: Jesus Manuel Garcia shoots at a movie theater, a police car and bystanders from the nearby China Garden restaurant; as he enters the movie theater, guns blazing, an armed off-duty cop shoots Garcia four times, stopping the attack. Total dead: Zero.
-- Winnemucca, Nev., 2008: Ernesto Villagomez opens fire in a crowded restaurant; concealed carry permit-holder shoots him dead. Total dead: Two. (I'm excluding the shooters' deaths in these examples.)
-- Appalachian School of Law, 2002: Crazed immigrant shoots the dean and a professor, then begins shooting students; as he goes for more ammunition, two armed students point their guns at him, allowing a third to tackle him. Total dead: Three.
-- Santee, Calif., 2001: Student begins shooting his classmates -- as well as the "trained campus supervisor"; an off-duty cop who happened to be bringing his daughter to school that day points his gun at the shooter, holding him until more police arrive. Total dead: Two.
-- Pearl High School, Mississippi, 1997: After shooting several people at his high school, student heads for the junior high school; assistant principal Joel Myrick retrieves a .45 pistol from his car and points it at the gunman's head, ending the murder spree. Total dead: Two.
-- Edinboro, Pa., 1998: A student shoots up a junior high school dance being held at a restaurant; restaurant owner pulls out his shotgun and stops the gunman. Total dead: One.
By contrast, the shootings in gun-free zones invariably result in far higher casualty figures -- Sikh temple, Oak Creek, Wis. (six dead); Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va. (32 dead); Columbine High School, Columbine, Colo. (12 dead); Amish school, Lancaster County, Pa. (five little girls killed); public school, Craighead County, Ark. (five killed, including four little girls).
All these took place in gun-free zones, resulting in lots of people getting killed"...
(Link to full essay will be placed below)
As for this "renewed" Semi-Auto ban, that piece of tyranny never went away, despite even the U.S. Government saying it was/is ineffective:
CDC exposes gun-control myths
The Centers for Disease Control, an agency of
the federal government, has conducted studies of many of the gun-control
laws in place, such as waiting periods, registration, and bans on
certain types of firearms. The results showed that the idea that gun
control laws have reduced violent crime is simply a myth. The CDC is
hardly a shill for the NRA...(Full piece is HERE)
This is because Feinstien, and her malicious backers, are obsessed with this type of ban because it is the doorway for a total ban, since the vast majority of ALL firearms are semi-automatics. The question is never asked as to why millions of gun-owners are to be punished and criminalized at the stroke of a pen for the actions a a handful of criminals who actually have committed crimes. They LIE continuously about semi-autos, for example, the lie about the function of the "pistol grip" as a means to allegedly "steady the weapon for firing from the hip". They know this is a lie, but don't care, because they see it as a means to an end, scaring the ignorant "sheeple" and stampede them into blindly supporting the ban. Facts never get in the way for such contemptible liars, including the biased media who function as their propaganda arm to influence the public.
On the other hand, NRA/La Pierre knew they were literally facing an impossible task, knowing they were going to be "shot by both sides", criticized by both anti & pro-liberty sides of the battleground, no matter what was said or proposed. As they say in the Hood: "Haters gonna' Hate"...
The NRA National School Shield initiative is the only true "common sense" program proposed in the wake of this latest battle in the war on guns and gun-owners, because it takes direct action at the root of the problem, i.e.: reducing the damage an armed degenerate can perpetrate, rather than laying the groundwork for complete Police State slavery by banning firearms and criminalizing the law-abiding with a hateful un-American gun-ban. When the Iranian enemy and the Red Chinese governments openly state that a gun ban in the USA is a good idea, that should tell you everything you need to know, not just about them but about the domestic enemies who promote using state power to enforce these wretched ideas. George Orwell knew. We still need "one behind every blade of grass"...
No less a socialist tyrant than Vladimir I. Lenin himself famously said: "One man with a gun can control 100 without one". Interesting this comment contains the words "gun control". Refuse to be a victim, Victim!!... (S9)
We know how to stop school shootings
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Semiauto .25 ACP "Mouse Gun" is a Rat for your pocket that could save your life
A true classic, the theory is that all fights go to the ground (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, WTF?, like Japanese Jiu-Jitsu is somehow inferior, yet they created it?).
So fall to the ground with the enemy trying to dominate you, reach for your mouse-gun, point it in the right direction and pull the the trigger until empty. So much for that tussle. However, take in to account that these pistols are not 110% reliable...Maybe 30% reliable in real combat...Expensive .25 ACP ball ammunition has it's place in the pantheon of war for a reason...(S9)
So fall to the ground with the enemy trying to dominate you, reach for your mouse-gun, point it in the right direction and pull the the trigger until empty. So much for that tussle. However, take in to account that these pistols are not 110% reliable...Maybe 30% reliable in real combat...Expensive .25 ACP ball ammunition has it's place in the pantheon of war for a reason...(S9)
The USA-U.N.'s Hitman for Obama's Anti-Gun Agenda...

Frank-en-Stien is set to take the lead, hit and flak for the O' in this semiauto ban scenario, diversionary tactics. This has been in the works for years before the Fast & Furious debacle, which was the original plan to go after semiautos again (read the timeline as to how many times she has set it up to "reintroduce" the ban, the yellow journalist media of course, redefines it every time she does this to the most recent blood dance that is applicable). As one wag put it, Diane "Slimeswine" is more correct, since she defies all logic and perpetrates massive lies about simple rifles that are "ugly guns" and/or "cosmetically incorrect", knowing she can get traction by general public ignorance, and influenced by the "Hollywood/Miami Vice" propaganda exploitation, intentionally confusing real "machine-guns" with passe' semiautos...
I'm back from an enforced hiatus, Blogrollers...
...and Oh my, has the propaganda wars against semi-autos increased with the convenient innocent blood being spilled and the vampire politicians eagerly lapping it up to further their hateful mind-control agenda.
I will only say this about that:
Do NOT let the love for your children permit you to be duped by the propaganda lies and political manipulation of the anti-gun nuts!!!.
Keep calm, logical and do the right thing...
That is all...For now...
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