Thursday, March 24, 2011

City board OKs bids for (AR-15) police patrol rifles

The Dyersburg (TN) Board of Mayor and Aldermen gathered for its regular meeting on Monday night in the Municipal Courtroom. The meeting...covered a number of topics...The second bid was awarded to Craig's Firearms located in Knoxville, Tenn. for the purchase of 40 police patrol rifles in the amount of $27,858...There were no additional communications from the mayor.
---Full story at Stategazette---
Another local Police agency gets AR-15 Pattern rifles for it's officers. What is interesting here is some of the comments attached to this story. Apparently, it is assumed the local PD are essentially KKK members in uniform, shades of the 1960's...One comment by local resident "Blueprint" stated: "This place is crazy... Our police department doesn't need rifles.. there has not been any situation @ all that would cause them to need AR-15's... they will only pull those guns to intimidate the black ppl in this town..the criminals in this town only get caught with handguns... Well when they kill some1, I hope that persons family bankrupts this good old boy (racist) town"...Seems like "Blueprint" has issues, but on the other hand, TN is the original home of the KKK and it would be unrealistic to assume there are not malicious racist scum as a percentage of the population there. Stupid politics aside, crime and criminals know no boundaries, and the Cops need all the edge they can get to protect the citizens from the "Rainbow Coalition of Criminal Activity", no matter in TN, Detroit, Washington DC, Los Angeles, New Orleans or NYC, etc. True Cops know there is no "racial profiling", only "criminal profiling" that really matters. If you can't hang with that concept, Officer of the Law, you need to turn in your badge...(S9)

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