Tuesday, April 21, 2009

ATF Strikes Back!: The Propaganda War Continues...

ATF Strikes Back!: The Propaganda War Continues...

ATF "proves" Mex Cartel guns come from the USA, via a table display (with FN P90's, pistols, .50 Cal linked ammo, a Barrett, etc) & firing range video thanks to clueless "useful idiot" Van Sustren (Fox). "Bait & Switch" being the order of the day, with the ATF Agent emphasizing seized firearms claimed to be enroute to Mexico. Whenever Agent-Boy mentioned that weapons were coming from other sources, he minimized these comments, yet repeated over and over about the seizures ATF has made in the US, stating that the "majority" of Cartel guns are coming from here, basically bolstering the "90% Myth" pushed by the Obamunist/Clinton/Feinstien Axis of Evil (I'd love to know who these Agents got their instructions from to put on this well staged Dog & Pony show propaganda exercise). On the range segment, AK's, M-60 GPMG's, Barrett .50's & M-16's are shown being fired (some shooting through car doors and protective vests for best dramatic effect), using the same tactic as back in the 80's of showing these firearms firing on full-auto while talking about semi-autos (so-called 'assault weapons") and using the usual buzzwords about semis being "easily converted" (a blatant lie, as explained by LAPD Firearms unit Cop Trahan on the Documentary everyone should have in their collection, "The Assault on Semi-automatic Firearms"), repeating the "these guns are wanted to take on law-enforcement" and other line-blurring mind-control tactics meant to brainwash the gullible viewer into equating semis with machineguns: same old tricks dug up for the new AWB push. Let it not be ignored that ATF has a dog in this fight, since this ensures "job security" for their existence, so it behooves them to misrepresent, dissemble, and outright lie regarding this subject, positioning themselves as "experts" with "street cred" (yet with a track record as some of the most extreme violators of civil rights and harassment of gun owners in existence in the USA, they give little confidence they will do the right thing in any case). This segment was a well staged one-sided propaganda exercise which proves, as I have said many times before, that the enemy has the advantage in this propaganda war, and do-gooding fools like Sustren hide behind "news reporting" while promoting such biased brainwash baloney as this. Sustren's ex- CNN roots are showing, and gives the lie to leftists claims of Fox being "right-wing", because were that the case, this steaming pile o' shite' would never have been broadcast(!). Extrapolating from this program, there is little doubt BATFE is on board to assist in criminalizing U.S. gunowners for the pieces of plastic & metal sitting in their gunsafes (in the California mold of unconstitutional tyranny) to please the oligarchy on both sides of the border fearful of their law-abiding citizens being armed, and like the US 1920's "crime emergency", using the depredations of mad-dog criminals as the excuse...History repeating itself in it's most shameful and domineering manner...

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